
Jason Paige – A Witnessed Pokemon Card Signing

Meeting Jason

For the first time in Pokemon history, a grader, be it ourselves, arranged a private signing with the singer of the original Pokemon theme tune. He welcomed our Founder & Managing Director with open arms (literally a big hug) to then talk Pokemon and his up and coming tour. Jason has also been a backing singer for Michael Jackson and performed with Aerosmith. When you hear him sing in person, it really is something special.

Witnessed for authenticity – Why our authentication trumps the rest! 

Getting a signed card by Jason is one thing. Getting the card marked as ‘authentic’ by a grader has always been a major issue. The truth is that when it comes to authenticating signatures, in our professional opinion, should never be awarded unless the grader has witnessed the signing and documented the event. 

We guarantee it 

Due to our extensive process, collectors who submit as well as purchase authenticated signed cards by us on the second hand market, can have 100% confidence that the product is genuine.

Unless the signing was witnessed by a grader, the truth is, despite what  the label says, the product may not be genuine.

Our advice to all is to be cautious of purchasing graded signed cards marked as authenticated by our competitors unless they can prove the signing was witnessed.  


